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Episode 14: Seven Easy Ways to Support Student Writing in Any Content Area

…that. But if they tell you “I can just read it in my head and I’ll find stuff,” don’t let them get away with that because that is not a good way to find the mistakes. For some reason, reading it out loud helps you find stuff faster. Okay, that’s number five. Number six is grade samples of writing with them. If you have some sort of a rubric or if your school or your state or whatever uses a sort of standardized rubric to score pieces — A lot of time you’ll see this with standardized testing if they…

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A Simple Trick for Success with One-Pagers

…them from a clear rubric – if you download my free set of templates, it includes the rubric I designed. You might want to grab it, just to help you design your own if you prefer. Hope this helps! Betsy Lauren Frazier I would love some advice on how to use this with college math students. Susan Leathers I went digital with one pagers this spring. Students used Adobe Spark to create and published on a class Padlet. Voila! No art supplies needed (and by May, few are to be had!). Tim Drown One other alternative is to pair up…

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How Decision Fatigue Ruins Your Day (and How to Beat It)

rubric. Now, regardless of whether we’re doing presentations or discussions, I know what the speaking rubric will look like. Now the class and I can focus on the readings or other content that students will speak about. We can focus on mini-lessons instructing students on specific aspects of speaking. We don’t have to review another new rubric, tailored to one specific assignment. Classroom management Do I need to write this student up for a discipline referral? That student is sending a quick text, should I say anything? You’ve had these quick conversations with yourself. If our classroom management plan is…

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A Step-by-Step Plan for Teaching Narrative Writing

…Once students have seen this story mapped out, have them try it with another one, like a story you’ve read in class, a whole novel, or another short video. Step 3: Introduce the Assignment Up to this point, students have been immersed in storytelling. Now give them specific instructions for what they are going to do. Share your assignment rubric so they understand the criteria that will be used to evaluate them; it should be ready and transparent right from the beginning of the unit. As always, I recommend using a single point rubric for this. Step 4: Read Models…

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The Surprising Benefits of Student-Created Graphic Novels

…attempts could just not be any better. But the goal is not that a student becomes a master at incorporating graphic elements into their own memoir after a few weeks of practice. The goal is that they have discovered a new form to explore with rigor beyond our classroom and have some creative independence with a new set of tools to tell all kinds of stories. Instead of a four-point rubric that shows tiers of success leading up to the end goal of an A, 100, or “meets standards,” I decided to create a single-point rubric and define an “A”…

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If Equity is a Priority, UDL is a Must

…alternative. The teacher provides a word bank with the target vocabulary, a single-point rubric, and a checklist so students can self-assess their work before submitting it. One student asks if he can write and produce a rap as long as it meets the rubric.  “Absolutely,” the teacher replies. “I can’t wait to hear it.” ARE UDL AND DIFFERENTIATION THE SAME? You may be reading this and thinking, “This sounds a lot like differentiated instruction.” The frameworks are similar, and complementary, but they are not the same.  Carol Tomlinson leads the field of differentiated instruction, As Tomlinson shares in her book…

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9 Ways Online Teaching Should be Different from Face-to-Face

…great solution to this problem is to have students create things. These can be videos, podcasts, digital or physical art, writing pieces, comics, and so on. “It’s a lot more difficult to cheat when you have to make something or do something. And it also integrates all of the areas and it builds up, all of that learning builds up into this creation that they will do.” For assessment, use a detailed rubric that highlights the learning goals the end product will demonstrate. A single-point rubric works well for this. To help students discover tools to work with, this list…

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Summer 2014 Book Study: Understanding by Design

…come directly from our goals. * For performance assessments, we need to develop rubrics that clearly outline our criteria.  (To learn more about the different types of rubrics and download free templates, see our article on holistic, analytic, and single-point rubrics). We are urged to refine these rubrics over time, after examining student work that demonstrates the desired understandings and getting a clearer sense of what that understanding really looks like. * It is crucial that we check our assessments for validity by asking two key questions: (1) Could a student do well on this task, but really not demonstrate the understandings you…

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Is Your Lesson a Grecian Urn?

…Then, before students even start the project, take each sample one at a time and have students score it with whatever rubric you have created for the assignment. If the rubric demands true demonstration of the learning target, only the best sample will get the high score. If students don’t get that, this is your opportunity to help them understand the requirements. It still may not reach everyone, but doing this should cut way down on the lower-quality products. Jennifer Gonzalez I hope this helps!! Jennifer Gonzalez See now I love color-coding stuff, Barbara. I worry that this post might…

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