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EduTip 12: Model EVERYTHING.

…then writing the stuff down.  But other pairs? Not so much. Some were writing HUGE letters in the organizer, so it took almost nothing to fill each cell. Some were writing long, complete sentences that overflowed each cell. Some seemed to be fighting over the organizer, snatching it back and forth to write different things. Others just kind of sat there, saying they didn’t get it.  Had I just modeled the process, things would have gone way better. Before ever putting one of those organizers in students’ hands, I should have put an example up on the projector and showed…

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Episode 210 Transcript

…off of teachers when we’re saying co-design with students and get them to be the content creators. They are your best resource. And by doing so, as an English teacher, I found that my students, I’m not worried about the AI, the artificial intelligence stuff that’s coming out, because I know that my kids, when they’re writing, they’re writing things that are so personal and so deep they can’t have a bot write it for them. So when I was interviewed and asked, “Like, are you worried?” I said, you know, obviously I can see the panic. It was like…

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Episode 80: When Students Won’t Stop Talking

…WriteAbout is a writing community and publishing platform for classrooms, a space for daily writing across all genres and purposes. Think of it like a writer’s notebook with thousands of writing ideas that is also connected to an authentic audience. Inside Write About’s safe digital community, students are always 1 click away from starting a writing piece, reading and responding to their peers’ writing, or discovering engaging content that will make them want to write even more. Your students deserve a platform that can make their writing visible, authentic and fun. When students are engaged with their writing, they write…

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A Simple Trick for Success with One-Pagers

…link to download them directly. Hope this helps! Briceson Thrower Hi Lauren, There are a few solid ways to use one-pagers around writing. One is to use it as an argument writing activity, or pre-writing. You can create a template where there are places for main ideas, counterarguments, quotations, and a thesis, all to be shared through both text and imagery. Another option would be to get meta and create a one-pager that is actually about the type of writing the student has just tried out and reflects the work they did and what they need to improve. With this…

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Notebooks for Classroom Management, Part 1

…students nearly every single time that I began writing anything, anywhere, during class? “Mr. Stricklin! Are you writing MY name down? Are you writing a referral?” Often times, I would simply refuse to answer the question, so they’d follow up with an assumption, “But I wasn’t doing anything!” Once or twice I mentioned that, more often times than not, a student asking me those questions do so out of a sense of guilt, indicating to me that they were aware they were misbehaving, and were trying to weasel out of the consequences. Sometimes, I wasn’t even writing about them. So…

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