Integrating Arab Narratives Across the Curriculum 2May2023 by Jennifer Gonzalez Positive, accurate representations of Arab voices and contributions are largely missing from our classrooms. Let’s change that.
How to Use ChatGPT as an Example Machine 19Feb2023 by Chris Mah To learn any concept well, students need to experience multiple examples of that concept, and ChatGPT can help you generate those examples fast.
Authentic Group Discussions with the Real Talk Strategy 5Feb2023 by Jessica Cannata After years of listening to shallow student discussions, this teacher found a way to make those conversations more natural, more interesting, and more real.
Where to Find Real History in the Anti-CRT Era 4Oct2022 by Jennifer Gonzalez If you live in a place where history is under attack, these outstanding resources are for you.
Contrasting Cases: A Simple Strategy for Deep Understanding 20Mar2022 by Sarah Levine This flexible tool helps students go beyond surface traits and consider deeper connecting principles.
Lessons that Build Students’ Media and News Literacy 30Jan2022 by Jennifer Gonzalez Our students can access information in seconds, so we need to arm them with critical thinking skills and an understanding of the ethics of content creation.
Teachers are being silenced. What can be done about it? 26Nov2021 by Jennifer Gonzalez How is the anti-CRT movement harming and silencing teachers, what damage will it ultimately do to students, and what can be done to fight it?
Make Units More Inspiring with Vision Boards 31Oct2021 by Amanda Cardenas Planning units can be less than exciting when all you have to deal with is words. A vision board can generate fresh enthusiasm and help you focus on what really matters.
Fire Up Your Students with a Campaign Project 6Dec2020 by Jane Currell Whether it’s real or fictional, putting students to work on a campaign for a cause is a powerful way to get them writing persuasively.