The Planning Period Project 8Apr2014 by Jennifer Gonzalez Planning time rarely gets more than a passing mention when we talk education reform, but lack of time is a significant part of what’s pushing teachers out of schools.
Race in the Classroom: There’s a Manual for That 24Mar2014 by Jennifer Gonzalez 83 percent of U.S. teachers are white. Nearly half our students are not. However uncomfortable it may be to talk about, this makes a difference. The good news is, a set of best practices is starting to emerge.
The War on Teachers: It Matters Where You Stand 17Mar2014 by Jennifer Gonzalez Does staying out of the education reform debate make you out of touch, a peacekeeper, or a self-serving a-hole?
The Planning Period Project 5Mar2014 by Jennifer Gonzalez It seems that very few people outside the profession understand just how much non-teaching time is required to make the teaching time go well. Help us measure it by participating in the Project.
Why Teachers Need to Know Diane Ravitch 30Jan2014 by Jennifer Gonzalez Although lots of teachers are already out there, debating policy issues, more informed voices are needed. Ravitch’s book, Reign of Error, will get you up to speed.