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Keep Parents in the Loop with ClassTag


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This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.

Most teachers would like parents to be more involved in their children’s education. The problem is we still haven’t figured out the best way to make that happen. Several apps and tools have come out in recent years that help with individual pieces of the puzzle: Some allow us to send announcements, some help us coordinate volunteers, and others provide tools for creating newsletters. Wouldn’t it be nice to get all these features in one place?

With ClassTag, you get all that and more. And it’s completely free.

Streamlined Parent Communication

On ClassTag, teachers can share reminders, announcements, and fun learning moments with parents from the same platform. Because ClassTag is available on any device (on the web and as an app for iOS and Android phones and tablets), parents and teachers can access the information from anywhere, and at any time. From the class page, parents can see a list of upcoming activities and sign up to help or donate items for these activities.

They can also access a directory of other parents in the class. Any parent can elect to have their email address shared in this directory, making it easy for parents to contact each other.

Coordinating Volunteers and Donated Items

If you’re still using reply-all emails to coordinate parent volunteers and donated items for special events, you’ll be amazed by how much time and hassle ClassTag saves you. In just a few minutes, you can create an announcement with all the details for a class activity, specify exactly what items or volunteers are needed, and send it out.

Parents sign up to volunteer or donate items right inside their accounts. ClassTag will show which items have been taken care of, so you won’t have to worry about duplicates. What’s even better is that ClassTag will send these parents a reminder two days before the event and again the day it’s happening. If parents have not replied, they will be prompted to RSVP 15, 10, and 5 days before. And if any requests are unfilled, parents who have not volunteered will be notified of available opportunities.

As a parent, I absolutely LOVE this feature. When a teacher sends an email about needing volunteers or donated items, I often hesitate, not knowing if other parents are going to sign up for the same time slots or items. Volunteering to help at school takes time and effort; I’m most interested in stepping up where and when I’m most needed.

Scheduling Conferences

ClassTag allows teachers to organize and schedule parent-teacher conferences in just a few clicks. Once the desired time slots are set, parents can sign up for a time that works for them, and ClassTag will update the schedule for your convenience. Reminders are sent to get parents to your conference on time.

Simply choose the dates and times you want, send the announcement to parents, and ClassTag takes care of the rest.

Weekly Newsletters

ClassTag takes all the hard work out of creating weekly newsletters. Accounts are automatically set up to send weekly summaries of important events, deadlines, and other announcements. You can customize a weekly message, or if you’re short on time, just have ClassTag send out the summary.

See Which Parents Are Engaged

It’s frustrating to send out an email and hear nothing back; it makes you wonder whether anyone is even reading! ClassTag’s stats feature takes all the guesswork out of your communication loop. It shows you exactly who is viewing and responding to your emails and announcements, helping you see which items are getting parents’ attention and which ones need work.

From the stats page, you can take immediate action by directly emailing specific parents to thank them for their help or find out what you can do to help them get more involved.

A Holistic Approach

ClassTag is more than just a tool. As a company, ClassTag works hard to educate teachers on ways to improve parent engagement. Because parents don’t always know the best ways to get involved, ClassTag offers suggestions that teachers can send out to parents, everything from how to create a study space at home to questions to ask about what the child learned that day.

With ClassTag, you can turn parents in your classroom into real partners. It can be implemented even in the middle of the school year – you can be up and running in a few minutes. The start of 2017 is a great time to give this awesome tool a try.

Check out ClassTag’s new feature, Rewards, which allows classrooms nationwide to earn and spend digital currency, called “ClassTag Coins” to access free school supplies. Classrooms can earn ClassTag Coins when parents and teachers communicate, volunteer, or attend events such as parent teacher conferences. From there, teachers can redeem their coins for items ranging from learning tools and cleaning products to educational software and the latest technologies. To learn more about ClassTag Rewards, click here:


As schools transition to remote learning, ClassTag’s free communication platform ensures access for all, allowing schools to reach parents according to their preference via email, SMS, apps or web and automatically translated into 55+ languages. To further support schools in this transition, ClassTag launched a suite of new features including video embedding inside the app, Google integrations for document sharing, interactive announcement features and schoolwide capabilities including school page with 1-click announcements for all or any classrooms, staff messaging and adding schoolwide calendaring later this week.  Visit ClassTag’s new remote learning resources here or explore ClassTag.

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  1. Victoria L says:

    This site and app are absolutely unbelievable – i had a hard time switching from the email to any tools I’ve seen until I started with ClassTag this fall. It is so easy to use and customer support is instanteneous! Can’t believe it is free to use!

  2. Laura Limon says:

    Is there a big difference between this and the Bloomz tool?

    • Jonathan Loo says:

      Amazing review of my favorite app! I see the comment about Bloomz, I actually used it last year and switched to ClassTag. While the problem they are solving is similar – who needs 10 apps when you can get it all done in one, I found ClassTag to be much more user friendly in particular for non-tech savvy parents and the weekly summary that automatically sends out to my parents was totally worth a switch.

      • Laura Limon says:

        Thank you Jonathan Loo for your response. I am interested to see what others think about this program!

  3. Michael A. Carrillo says:

    Couple of questions/suggestions…
    1.)Can you check with the developers, if they could add a “Login with Google” feature? My district has a google domain, and this would make it so much easier for our non-tech savvy teachers to adopt.

    2.) Can the developers add a feature to import a class list from a spreadsheet? This could also have the students school-assigned info attached to make the joining process that much easier.

    Please keep us posted.

  4. I will definitely check this out!

    My favorite feature is the stats page! I love that it takes out the guess work!

    I am wondering however how this ties in with our gmail accounts, and if this app can be accessed on desktop? I will go to your page to find out!

    Thanks for sharing about this app! Something to consider for the SY!

    All the best,,

  5. Canda says:

    I’m really interested in using classtag. Is they a way to comment on the uploaded pictures? Are they added to the weekly newsletter?


    • Ewa says:

      Great question, Canda. ClassTag team here. ClassTag has both one-way and two-way conversations. Currently there are no comments on pictures, but parents and families can message the teacher directly from ClassTag conversations as a way of commenting.

      Most teachers send pictures with announcement feature and all pictures get also automatically added to your class photo album.

      In regards to weekly newsletter, it doesn’t pull pictures yet, but something we are thinking about:) It is absolutely fantastic feature as it pulls everything you have scheduled for next week and creates a beautiful upcoming week at a glance newsletter and calendar with custom message if you’d like, personalized status for each family and it will even thank parents who participated or volunteered the prior week for their help!

      Please send us a note at if you have any other questions!


  6. Olivia says:

    How do you do it in Spanish??? I need bilingual…

  7. Liz Roberts says:

    Do parents get ads on their phones when using ClassTag? How does ClassTag remain free?

    • Hi Liz,

      From what I understand, ClassTag’s Rewards Program helps keep the program free and some of the advertising that parents see is part of this program. Click here, select “What Can I Do on ClassTag Rewards?” and then scroll down to learn more about this. Hope it helps.

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